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IPL Hair Removal 

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Hair removal can play a huge part of our lives as we all know from long waxing

appointments to plucking & shaving at home. 

We suffer the ingrown hairs & fast regrowth of shaving, the pain of waxing and the

worry of burning or damaging ourselves with creams. 

But for the last few years we’ve been able to finally do something about this in a

more safe permeant way. 

And one way of this is IPL. 

At buddha beauty we have decided to bring IPL on board and train with one of the

latest companies producing these types of treatments. 

Below I’m going to answer so very common questions that are asked by all people

thinking or having IPL. 

But what is IPL and how does it work. 


IPL stands for Impulse Light Therapy and is used to reduce hair growth by 90%. 

This works by send light down into the hair follicle to starve the hair of nutrients in order for it to not regrow. 

The light causes heat energy to form in this hair follicle and this kills the hair. 

IPL has always been considered non-ablative as it only targets the lower layer of our skin and not the top. This helps use continue our normal daily routine after treatment. 

Using this machine we treat the area you wish to remove hair be it underarms, unwanted facial hair, bikini line or the whole body. 


With the machine we use here at Buddha Beauty we also incorporate Radio Frequency into all our IPL hair removal.

We do this because as the hair is being removed from area we use the Radio Frequency to tighten the skin 



How is the treatment carried out? 

In the area IPL is being carried out the area must be shaved two/three days prior.

No waxing should have taken place place in the 4 weeks prior including plucking. 


The area is cleaned by our therapist and then a clear odourless gel is applied to the area for the treatment to begin. 

The machine is then adjusted to the skin type of the client and treatment is carried out. 



Will this treatment hurt? 

The pain felt during this treatment is minimum of that to waxing and only a slight heated feeling is felt. 



How often is treatment needed & how many?

We recommend treatment every 4-5 weeks for your first 3 sessions and then 6-7 weeks for the next 

We always recommend a course 6 to our clients to achieve the best results although a difference will be seen from just one treatment.

We do offer this treatment in single sessions and in courses of 3 as well.  



What to expect after the treatment? 

The skin may appear slightly red after treatment but this is perfectly fine and may remain from an hour to a day. 

A few things must be followed though before and after we do have this treatment done. 



After treatment & for 48 hours 

  • Wear loose cotton clothing

  • Avoid touching the skin in the treatment area

  • Avoid the gym, steam room, sauna, Jacuzzi, swimming pool

  • When showering/bathing keep water tepid/lukewarm

  • Avoid doing all forms of physical exercise

  • Apply mineral makeup only after all facial laser hair removal treatments

  • Apply SPF50+ to all treatment areas that are exposed to UV light, cover areas where possible



Before IPL 

  • Avoid sun exposure 4 weeks before treatment inc sunbeds 

  • No fake tan to be on the skin during or 7 days prior to treatment. 

  • All medication even herbal must be stated in your consultation form. 

  • Area that is being treated must be shaved 2/3 before treatment 

  • Waxing/plucking must be avoid 5 weeks before treatment

  • Pregnancy or any heath conditions must be reported before treatment 

  • Areas with tattoos cannot be done but may be worked around



After IPL 

Our aftercare is always best to follow to achieve the best result and maintain a healthily skin. 


  • No fake tan to be applied to the area for 2 weeks.

  • No tattoos to be done on the area.

  • Exfoliate the skin in the treatment area 4-5 days after treatment.

  • When hair begins to regrow in between sessions, shaving and using hair removal creams are the only forms of hair removal that are allowed during your course of treatments.

  • Avoid exposing your treatment area to sun or sunbeds throughout your course of treatment.

  • Apply SFP 50+ sunscreen at all times if your treatment areas are exposed to UV light.

  • Inform us if you begin taking any medications throughout your course.

  • Return for your next session within the time frame recommended by your laser therapist.

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To Book this treatment please call the salon on 01616916537

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Frequently Asked Questions 


You will experience some warmth as the IPL is fired.


Everyone is different making the exact number of treatments required difficult, if not impossible, to pinpoint.  Somewhere between 4 and 6 Zeolight hair removal treatments are usually required. The precise number will vary depending on where the hair is, what has been done to the hair in the past and, of course, your individual response. The intervals between treatments are typically 4-5 weeks in order to treat all hair follicles at all growth cycles.


A top-up treatment may be required a year after your  original course of 6 Zeolight hair removal treatments. 

Hormonal conditions, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), will also have a significant bearing on how the treatment progresses.



We would recommend avoiding tanning, plucking, waxing or threading for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.  Shave the area 2 days before treatment. Avoid perfumes/ deodorants before and after treatments.


A patch test will be carried out on your skin before treatment to determine how your skin will react. You will also benefit from a personal pre-treatment consultation with our expert to tailor the right treatment to you to achieve the most permanent hair removal possible. You will be given protective eye wear to use during the treatment.


A short burst of light is fired at the skin’s surface. Light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft, where it heats and destroys the hair. If the hair is in the growth stage (anagen), the heat is transmitted down the hair shaft to the base of the follicle and to the germ cells lining the follicle shaft, causing their destruction. Hair caught in the growth stage will not grow again. Other follicles, which are not actively growing may produce new hair. These follicles will need to be targeted in the growth stage to effect follicle damage. 


You are free to resume your normal activities immediately after having our laser hair removal treatment, which requires no recovery time. We advise you to steer clear of alcohol aspirin, and anti-inflammatories for 48hrs before treatment.



Ideal for men and women, all hair colours and skin types are suitable for Zeolight IPL Hair Removal, including the reduction for grey and white hairs. People who suffer from heart problems, diabetes or who take certain medications, such as the contraceptive pill should take caution when having IPL.  Our expert who talks you through all aspects of IPL laser treatment will outline your suitability for the laser hair removal.


IPL offers permanent hair removal as actively growing hair follicles will be destroyed. However, as with all depilation (hair removal) methods, only actively growing follicles are affected, so dormant or ‘resting’ hair follicles may start to produce hair at a later time. This ‘new growth’ (not re-growth) would need to be treated in the same manner. In certain cases, there may be redness in the treated area, local oedema (swelling, most commonly under the skin due to a build up of excess fluid) or peri-follicular papullae (goose bumps). These effects will disappear several hours after the treatment, however in the majority of cases; there are no visible secondary effects. Other very rare side effects include:  burns, skin damage, and blistering that can lead to mild scarring and skin pigmentation alterations.

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