Microdermabrasion is a quick and convenient treatment for non surgical skin rejuvenation. It is an effective and painless solution to help clear congestion and blackheads and improve fine lines, superficial pigmentation and mild to moderate acne.
This exfoliating procedure, which works to remove dead skin cells and skin impurities, can be used as part of a course of treatments or part of a monthly maintenance, you can view it as an advanced facial – relaxing but with longer lasting benefits. It's a progressive rather than aggressive treatment, so a course of treatments is highly recommended even though visible results are produced after the first treatment.
Ultra fine diamond tipped wands are used in a continuous circular motion along with suction in the direction of the lymph glands, allowing the toxins to be filtered and removed from the body.
What does a treatment consist of?
The skin is thoroughly cleansed before the neck and the full face (or other chosen body part) is treated using a vacuum suction wand tipped with a diamond head. Lasting 45 minutes, we complete the treatment with our soothing mask to replenish and hydrate the skin to aid the speedy regeneration of fresh, new skin cells.
How do I know this is the right treatment for me?
Microdermabrasion facial is a great starter treatment if you are looking to brighten and refresh the skin, reduce congestion, superficial acne or pigmentation and want to reduce visible signs of ageing. Microdermabrasion can also be used to treat acne-prone backs and chests, stretch marks and ingrown hairs on most areas of the body. This treatment is suitable for many skin types - a consultation with us will help to determine your suitability.
What happens following the treatment?
Microdermabrasion is a safe, pain-free, non-invasive treatment so there is no downtime and any redness you may have will reduce quickly, leaving you to continue with your everyday tasks. As dead skin cells are gently buffed away and fibroblasts are stimulated you'll be left with fresh, healthy looking skin with a clearer and smoother texture.
If Microdermabrasion is part of a skincare treatment course tackling concerns of acne, pigmentation or fine lines, the results will be seen in the first few treatments with full effects coming through upon course completion. Treatments can be repeated at intervals of two to four weeks for continued improvement.

Face 45 minutes - £45 / Course of 5 - £200
Microdermabrasion & Light Therapy - £55
Express Microdermabrasion - £35
Arm or leg - £35
Chest - £35
Back - £40
Hands - £20
Extra round of microdermabrasion - £5
Fine lines, scars and micro wrinkles
Skin texture
Sun damage/ pigmentation
Discolouration/ brown spots
Oily, acne prone/ dry, scaly skin
Acne scarring
Enlarged pores
Microdermabrasion Aftercare Advice
Keep the new skin clean and moisturised.
Use a gentle cleanser.
Do not scratch or pick at the treated area.
It is important to avoid irritating the treated skin with harsh chemicals, rubbing or tanning for one week. Do not use glycolic, alpha hydroxy, beta hydroxy, retinol, benzyl peroxide or topical acne medications for 24-48 hours following treatment.
Although some peeling may occur in the treated areas, moisturiser should help minimise this effect.
Avoid direct sun exposure and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
You may resume prescription retinoid products (Retin A, Renova, Tretinoin, Avita, Alustra or other brands f Tretinoin and other prescription retinoid products (Adapalene, Avage, Differin, Tazorac, Tazarotene) 3 - 7 days after the last Microdermabrasion treatment or as instructed by your technician.
If you are receiving a series of treatments, do not resume any of these products until after you have completed your last medical microdermabrasion treatment.
Light Therapy Add On
Treatment to Microdermabrasion
15 minutes - £10
LED light therapy is a safe, painless and effective way of stimulating collagen and elastin production in your skin and accelerating the healing process without any side effects. It uses a number of LED bulbs to deliver light therapy at a specific wave length to stimulate a particular change within your skin.
Proven key benefits with LED Colour Light Therapy:
Anti-bacterial, anti-acne, reduces pores, helps reduce psoriasis
Anti-inflammatory, reduces dark spots, reduces pigmentation, helps oily skin, helps to reduce under eye bags.
Anti-ageing, stimulates collagen and elastin production, helps improve skin texture, helps reduce appearance of scarring and sun damage.
Firms the skin, reduces dullness, helps brighten the skin.
Boosts skin metabolism, firms the skin, helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduces swollen capillaries, anti-inflammatory.